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MSD’s legacy of antimicrobial innovation and action

Delivering on our commitment to fight infectious diseases for more than a century

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Black scientists, innovators and employees are key to MSD’s history of invention and progress

Learn about scientific contributions of Black employees in our company's history and how our diversity initiatives have shaped our legacy of invention

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35 Years: The Mectizan® Donation Program

The Mectizan Donation Program is the longest-running, disease-specific drug donation program of its kind

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The Vaccine Pioneers

Scientists who made giant strides in the fight against viral diseases and vaccine history

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Vaccines: our history, our legacy

MSD and its legacy companies have been working to discover and develop vaccines for more than a century

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8 women who made major strides at our company and beyond

Honoring the many ‘firsts’ of the inspiring women who paved the way for future generations