Sarampión: síntomas y signos

Obtenga más información sobre qué es el virus del sarampión y cómo se propaga el sarampión

September 20, 2023

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¿Qué es el sarampión?

El sarampión es un virus altamente contagioso que vive en la mucosidad de la nariz y la garganta de una persona infectada. Los síntomas aparecen entre 10 y 12 días después del contacto con el virus.

Los síntomas comunes del sarampión incluyen:

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Cómo se propaga el sarampión

¿El sarampión se transmite por el aire?

El virus del sarampión puede vivir hasta 2 horas en un espacio aéreo donde una persona infectada tosió o estornudó

¿Cuál es la tasa de transmisión del sarampión?

Si una persona tiene sarampión, hasta el 90% de las personas en riesgo cercanas a esa persona también se infectarán.

¿Durante cuánto tiempo es contagioso el sarampión?

Las personas infectadas pueden contagiar el sarampión a otras personas desde 4 días antes hasta 4 días después de que aparezca el sarpullido.

¿Cuánto dura el período de incubación del sarampión?

Después de estar expuesto al virus del sarampión, puede incubarse hasta por 21 días.

¿El sarampión causa complicaciones?

El sarampión puede causar complicaciones de salud graves, como infecciones de oído, diarrea, neumonía y encefalitis (una inflamación del cerebro), lo que afecta la vida diaria de los pacientes y sus cuidadores (p. ej., puede provocar la pérdida de horas laborales o escolares).

El sarampión puede ser grave y provocar complicaciones.

  • El sarampión puede causar serias complicaciones de salud al afectar varios sistemas de órganos, como los oídos y los ojos (lo que conlleva a la ceguera), el tracto gastrointestinal y el sistema nervioso central, y resultar en una inflamación del cerebro y la muerte.
  • Aproximadamente el 30 porciento de los casos de sarampión notificados tienen una o más complicaciones, como encefalitis o neumonía.
  • Aproximadamente 567 personas mueren en todo el mundo por complicaciones relacionadas con el sarampión cada día, lo que equivale a 24 muertes cada hora.

Comprender los brotes de sarampión


Entre 2000 y 2018, las muertes anuales notificadas por sarampión disminuyeron en un 73% a nivel mundial.


El número de casos de sarampión aumentó un 659% en 2019 (874,304 casos) en comparación con 2016 (132,490 casos)


Los desastres naturales y/o los conflictos pueden poner a los países en mayor riesgo de brotes mortales de sarampión al dañar la infraestructura de salud, interrumpir los servicios de salud y colocar a las personas en campamentos residenciales superpoblados.

Antes de la introducción de la vacuna contra el sarampión en 1963, el sarampión causaba aproximadamente 2,6 millones de muertes al año.

149 países reportaron 874,304 casos de sarampión a nivel mundial en 2019

Los estados miembros de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) informaron más casos de sarampión en 2019 que en cualquier año desde 1996.

En 2020, la cantidad de casos de sarampión notificados a nivel mundial fue menor, probablemente debido en parte a las regulaciones implementadas durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Sin embargo, durante el mismo año, más de 22 millones de bebés no recibieron su primera dosis de la vacuna contra el sarampión, 3 millones más que en 2019, lo que coloca a las comunidades en mayor riesgo de brotes. En 2022, la OMS y el Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (UNICEF) reportaron un aumento del 79% en los casos de sarampión a nivel mundial en los dos primeros meses del año en comparación con el mismo período de 2021, y alertan sobre el riesgo de enfermedades prevenibles como restricciones continuar mitigando.

El sarampión sigue siendo común en muchas partes del mundo, y los viajeros con sarampión pueden llevar la enfermedad a países que la han erradicado en gran medida. El sarampión se puede propagar rápidamente.

Health awareness

Supermodel Veronica Webb raises awareness of lung cancer screening

Pushing past her fear, Webb learned how important it is to get screened for lung cancer

September 19, 2023

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Supermodel, mother, fashion icon and blogger Veronica Webb knew that because of her former history of smoking, combined with her age, she could be at high risk for lung cancer. Yet, getting screened for cancer was something that always scared her.

Globally, while lung cancer is one of the most common types of cancers, routine screenings for the disease are less prevalent compared to screenings for other types of cancers such as cervical cancer, colorectal cancer, or breast cancer.

Low-dose CT scans are painless and not invasive

Webb faced her fears and, no stranger to cameras, documented her first lung screening to show others what she learned: low-dose CT scans are painless and not invasive.

“It’s totally painless and, one, two, three, it’s over,” Webb said. “Knowing I was cancer free gave me peace of mind. If the people in your life and the things you want to do in your life mean a lot to you, get screened.”

Select factors that increase your risk for lung cancer are:*

A history of smoking
Exposure to certain materials in the environment, such as radon gas, asbestos and secondhand smoke
A family history of lung cancer
Exposure to other materials that cause cancer like arsenic, chromium and nickel

*The above list does not include all risk factors for lung cancer

Learn more about lung cancer and the risk factors


Macrocyclic peptides: the next wave of drug discovery

MSD scientists say the “Goldilocks” chemical modality could lead to new ways to impact disease

September 18, 2023

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Small molecules, generally taken as pills, make up nearly 90% of medicines used today. It’s hard to think of a world without them. The use of small molecules has been critical in expanding the reach of and access to medicines around the world.

But it’s challenging for small molecules to impact the large featureless surfaces of protein-protein interactions, which govern a wide range of biological processes in our bodies. To target these interactions, scientists have turned to large molecule biologic therapies, like monoclonal antibodies, which — taken by infusion or injection — have been critical in advancing the treatment of many diseases, including some cancers and autoimmune disorders.

Over a decade ago, MSD scientists began investigating a way to engineer a new type of medicine combining the ease-of-administration of a small molecule with the potency and target specificity of an antibody.

Macrocyclic peptides have shown promise in achieving this balance.

“Macrocyclic peptides allow us to cast a wider net on the protein interactions we want to drug, providing a vast and untapped opportunity to access a wider range of targets and potentially new ways to treat different diseases,” said Dani Schultz, director of chemistry, MSD Research Laboratories.

Not too big, not too small: the “Goldilocks” modality

Macrocyclic peptides have been called the “Goldilocks” chemical modality because their intermediate size combines the favorable properties of both small molecules and biologics¹. And thanks to their unique ring shape, macrocyclic peptides can cover more surface area to potentially disrupt protein-protein interactions more so than traditional, linear-shaped peptide therapies.

“The design and invention of macrocyclic peptides is notoriously complicated,” said David Thaisrivongs, director of chemistry in MSD Research Laboratories.

David Thaisrivongs

“Similarly, scaling production up for a macrocyclic peptide small molecule, with four to five times the size and complexity of a typical small molecule, represented a bold endeavor.”

  • David Thaisrivongs
    Director of chemistry, MSD Research Laboratories

For MSD, this work started by screening large libraries of cyclic peptides using messenger RNA display technology. This led to the identification of cyclic peptide leads that were optimized using 3-dimensional protein structure-based design and advanced computational techniques. Further molecular iterations and refinements improved the absorption, potency, and stability of the first candidate.

“A diverse, interdisciplinary team of skilled and determined people from across our chemistry organization has dedicated substantial efforts to advancing this science,” said Thaisrivongs.

A peptide renaissance

These macrocyclic peptide discovery efforts may one day allow us to treat diseases that have long evaded traditional small molecule approaches or improve access to medicines previously available only as an injectable.

“Macrocyclic peptides are a new modality and we’re still in the early stages of understanding their potential to impact disease and patient care,” said Schultz.

“There’s no playbook here, we’re innovating and developing new techniques on how to optimize and synthesize macrocyclic peptides — it’s really thrilling for me as a scientist because the potential is huge.”

  • Dani Schultz
    Director of chemistry, MSD Research Laboratories

Dani Schultz

[1] Beyond 20 in the 21st century: strengths, opportunities, and challenges of non-canonical amino acids in peptide drug discovery. Jennifer L. Hickey; A Dan Sindhikara; B Susan L. Zultanski  and Danielle M. Schultz


How we’re collaborating to address antimicrobial resistance – and why we can’t do it alone

Shared commitments like the AMR Action Fund are vital to make progress against this public health threat

September 8, 2023

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Antibiotics have transformed health care and saved countless lives. But rising levels of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) can make current antibiotics less effective. There’s no simple solution to the complex problem of AMR, but we’re committed to investing our expertise and resources alongside our partners to get antibiotics to those who need them most. Lives are at risk, and the time to act is now.

Through this groundbreaking partnership of over 20 leading pharmaceutical companies, philanthropies and organizations, we aim to bridge the gap between the innovative early antibiotic pipeline and patients. True to our legacy of preventing and treating infectious diseases, we’re proud of our commitment to invest $100 million over 10 years in the AMR Action Fund. The fund’s collective goal is to bring two to four novel antibiotics to patients and physicians by 2030.

As of early 2023, the AMR Action Fund has invested in five small biotech companies advancing research for new medicines to fight some of the most dangerous bacteria as determined by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization.

Here are five reasons collaborative efforts are key to addressing AMR:


New antibiotics are urgently needed; however, there are relatively few in development.

The future of antibiotic innovation is at serious risk. Major scientific, regulatory and economic challenges discourage innovation in antibiotics, resulting in a decline in the number of companies conducting antimicrobial R&D. Recognizing there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to the problem, our company and others have suggested a series of policy reforms across several regions of the world. However, time is running out. We need collaboration from policymakers to help antibiotic innovation flourish for decades to come.


Once new antibiotics are approved, they need to be used responsibly.

At MSD, we’re making significant investments to support antimicrobial stewardship (AMS), a broad term for the implementation of evidence-based policies to slow resistance to current antimicrobials. Our investments and partnerships help hospitals around the world develop and implement patient-centered AMS programs that are customized locally based on factors like epidemiology, clinical setting and resource availability to support the responsible prescribing and use of antimicrobials. We also provide significant grant funding to support a wide range of AMS initiatives and collaborations.

Some of our global contributions to AMS include:

  • Supporting the development of several AMS Centers of Excellence throughout the world.
  • Helping public health leaders effectively monitor and address emerging AMR infections, promote AMS and customize accepted AMS strategies to meet local needs.
  • Providing significant grant-funding for numerous investigator-initiated AMS research projects.


Tracking resistance trends and using data to help doctors prescribe the right medicines remains critical.

Our company has been tracking global resistance trends for over 20 years. This data helps doctors prescribe the right medicines. One of the largest and longest-running AMR surveillance programs, our Study for Monitoring Antimicrobial Resistance Trends (SMART) program has collected nearly 500,000 Gram-Negative bacterial isolates from around 220 sites in more than 60 countries since 2002.

We’re also a partner of the AMR Register, a first-ever online platform that allows pharmaceutical companies to securely share data on infection-causing pathogens with researchers, national governments and multilateral organizations working to fight AMR.


AMR extends beyond human health.

The challenge of AMR is multifaceted, and a One Health approach to creating policies is critical to attain optimal health for people, animals and the environment.

When it comes to animal health, vaccines can help minimize the need for antibiotics. MSD Animal Health is one of the largest manufacturers of animal health vaccines, supplying over 102 billion doses each year.

Protecting the environment through responsible manufacturing is another key component of the One Health approach. We work with our partners in the AMR Industry Alliance to inform science-based manufacturing standards to help ensure scrutiny of industry manufacturing supply chains.


The time to act against AMR is now.

With collaboration across the scientific community and policymakers, AMR is preventable.

We all have a role to play as we prepare for the next health crisis. We must act now to put measures in place to ensure we have the antibiotics we need.

“AMR is not a future problem — it’s here now, threatening human, animal and environmental health as we know it. We must take swift, collaborative action to help reduce the risk of AMR before it’s too late,” said Jennifer Zachary, executive vice president and general counsel at MSD and member of the Global Leaders Group on AMR.

Health awareness

Endometrial cancer: understanding the signs and symptoms

Learn more about how you can detect endometrial cancer

August 29, 2023

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As we age, it’s important to recognize changes in the body. Irregular periods, postmenopausal bleeding, abnormal vaginal discharge, changes to bladder or bowel habits – these shifts can seem like a part of getting older. But for some, these changes can signal a more serious issue, as many mirror the symptoms of gynecologic cancers.

What is endometrial cancer?

In 2020, endometrial cancer was the second most commonly diagnosed gynecologic cancer worldwide. It occurs when cancerous cells form in the tissues of the endometrium or inner lining of the uterus.

How can I learn if I’m at risk for endometrial cancer?

While age, family history and lifestyle choices impact the risk of endometrial cancer, conditions that affect the body’s estrogen levels can also play a role. For example:

  • Hormone replacement therapy for menopause often includes an increase of estrogen to manage menopausal symptoms.
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) usually creates higher estrogen levels and lower progesterone levels.
  • Estrogen modulators (tamoxifen) may cause the uterine lining to grow.
  • Certain comorbidities, including obesity and type 2 diabetes, have been linked as risk factors for endometrial cancer. For example, in people with obesity, fat tissue can convert certain hormones into estrogen, which increase the levels in the body.

Studies show Black women are more likely to be diagnosed with endometrial cancer than white women.


What to watch out for:

  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding
  • Pelvic pain
  • Irregular menstrual cycles
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Postmenopausal bleeding
  • Abnormal vaginal discharge
  • Changes to bowel or bladder habits

How is endometrial cancer diagnosed?

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, talk to your doctor about getting screened. Tests to diagnose it may include:

  • Endometrial biopsy: A thin, flexible tube is inserted into the uterus to collect a tissue sample from the endometrium
  • Dilation and curettage: The cervix is dilated to collect tissue from the inner lining of the uterus.
  • Hysteroscopy: An instrument with a light and lens for viewing is inserted into the uterus to look for abnormal areas.
  • Transvaginal ultrasound: A probe is inserted into the vagina to produce images that are used to assess the pelvic organs, including the uterus.

physician and lady talking

Being diagnosed with endometrial cancer can be scary. But by speaking with your doctor, you can better understand your options and build the best path forward.


Progress in ovarian cancer research starts with patients

Reflecting on the history of clinical research and our inspiration to continue innovating for ovarian cancer patients

August 29, 2023

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This article was written by Dr. Scot Ebbinghaus, VP, clinical research.

A history of groundbreaking research

More than sixty years ago, in 1958, British chemist and X-ray crystallographer Dr. Rosalind Franklin died following a two-year fight with ovarian cancer. She was only 37 years old. Her pioneering research provided the key to deciphering the structure and function of DNA — and ultimately the blueprint for life.

In 1962 her collaborators, James Watson, Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins, were awarded the Nobel Prize for their “discoveries concerning the molecular structure of nucleic acids and its significance for information transfer in living material.” Dr. Franklin’s untimely death denied her the acclaim of this prestigious scientific award (the Nobel Committee does not award the prize posthumously), but her role in this fundamental discovery has been well-documented and is now widely recognized.

Even today, advanced ovarian cancer remains one of the most difficult cancers to treat.

Dr. Franklin’s story of a life cut short by ovarian cancer remains all too common. But there remains a reason for optimism. The pace of change in cancer treatment has increased dramatically in recent years. Advances in research have given us a deeper understanding of how to target the disease, paving the way for new developments.

  • Ovarian cancer is the 8th most commonly diagnosed cancer among women in the world.
  • In 2020, globally, it’s estimated that nearly 314,000 women were diagnosed with ovarian cancer, which resulted in approximately 207,200 deaths.

Ovarian cancer more often causes signs and symptoms when the disease has spread, but can also cause nonspecific signs and symptoms in the early stages. Ovarian cancer is generally diagnosed after it has spread to other parts of the body.

The most common symptoms of ovarian cancer include:

  • Bloating.
  • Pelvic pain.
  • Trouble eating or feeling full quickly.
  • Always feeling like you have to urinate, or having to urinate often.
Women sitting at table talking

At MSD, we are focused on translating breakthrough science into oncology therapeutics. We recognize that no two patients or cancers are the same, and multiple approaches – therapeutic regimens and mechanisms of action – will be needed to outpace this disease. That’s why we have worked rigorously to expand and diversify our own internal research programs.

There is still work to be done, but we believe strongly in our potential to transform the way certain cancers are treated. And, we are constantly inspired to work harder by stories like Dr. Rosalind Franklin’s.


MSD publishes Impact Report 2022/2023

Letter from our chairman and chief executive officer, Rob Davis

August 9, 2023

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Dear Stakeholders,

Thank you for your interest in MSD and our ongoing commitment to operating responsibly and creating value for patients, our stakeholders and our business. We continue to take inspiration from our purpose and our unique opportunity to use the power of leading-edge science to save and improve lives around the world.

Sustainable value creation is core to how we do business as we work to advance global health, apply innovative science and ultimately protect and improve the health of people and animals through the development and delivery of medicines, vaccines and technology solutions. We’re passionate about this work and committed to making a positive difference for patients and the world while driving strong business outcomes. Working globally as One Team, we organize our sustainability efforts across four focus areas to create long-term value: 1) expanding access to health; 2) developing and rewarding a diverse, inclusive and healthy workforce; 3) protecting the environment; and 4) operating with the highest standards of ethics and values.

Expanding access to health

Two years ago, we set a goal to enable 100 million more people to access our innovative portfolio globally, through access strategies, solutions and partnerships, by 2025. We exceeded this goal already in 2022. As a result, we increased our ambition and more than tripled our original goal. We now aim to enable 350 million more people to access our innovative portfolio by 2025.

We’re eager to reach more people not only now, but in the years to come. To this end, we pursued new scientific discoveries with an investment last year of $13.5 billion in research and development. In total, our products and pipeline seek to address 83% of the top 20 global burdens of diseases.

In 2022, our MECTIZAN® Donation Program turned 35 years old. The longest-running disease-specific drug donation program of its kind, this successful effort to combat river blindness and lymphatic filariasis reached nearly 360 million people last year1. We also invested $38 million to advance health equity through initiatives like MSD for Mothers. These investments support our goal to reach over 30 million people in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and in U.S. underserved populations with our social investments, by 2025. We surpassed this goal as well in 2022. Our new goal is to reach over 50 million people in LMICs, underserved populations in the U.S. and, going forward, underserved populations in other high-income countries, by 2025.

Developing and rewarding a diverse, inclusive and healthy workforce

We’re committed to investing in our colleagues and building a strong pipeline of talent as an employer of choice. Across our organization, we value diversity and inclusion as both an ethical and business priority.

We’re becoming even more inclusive in our hiring, working with organizations including OneTen, a business coalition striving to close the opportunity gap for Black workers without four-year college degrees. In order to create more access to meaningful career opportunities for diverse candidates, we posted about 900 job openings not requiring a four-year degree, which was twice as many as the previous year. In addition, in 2022 we hosted 90 student interns through Year Up, a nonprofit serving economically disadvantaged young people. Women represented more than half of our new hires globally, and in the U.S., 47% of new hires came from underrepresented ethnic groups.

We have a longstanding commitment to fair and equitable pay for all employees doing similar work. In the U.S., our 2022 study found that we had achieved greater than 99% pay equity for female and male employees, as well as non-white (including Black, Hispanic and Asian employees) and white employees. Our commitment to diversity and inclusion also extends to our business partners. Last year, we spent $3.2 billion with diverse Tier 1 and 2 suppliers globally.

Protecting the environment

Our company has a long history of environmental stewardship, and we believe a healthy planet is essential to improving health and protecting the sustainability of our business. As part of this work, we have committed to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) to set a net-zero target for our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across our global operations (Scopes 1, 2, 3).

We know that each of our research, production and office facilities plays a role in achieving our goals for energy efficiency, waste reduction and overall sustainability. In 2022, we created a Waste Diversion Playbook to help sites contribute to our goals through local waste-diversion strategies, such as composting and recycling, and environmentally responsible procurement practices.

Operating with the highest standards of ethics and values

We operate responsibly every day, holding ourselves to the highest standards of ethics and values. Our code of conduct defines our corporate character and helps us protect our reputation as a trustworthy company. We maintain 100% compliance to regulatory requirements for active incident monitoring, risk and harm analysis, and timely notification of data breaches. We also encourage employees to speak up and report potential concerns, ensuring our ethics and values are reflected in all we do.

As a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), MSD remains committed to improving our communities through our operations, aligning our efforts with the Ten Principles of the UNGC.

In late 2021, we announced the issuance of our first $1 billion sustainability bond to support initiatives and partnerships contributing to the advancement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Through June 2022, we allocated $760 million of the net proceeds toward social and green projects, in alignment with our sustainability financing framework.

While my colleagues and I are pleased by our 2022 progress, we remain committed to doing more to advance and protect the health of our employees, communities and planet. Indeed, I want to thank our colleagues and partners for the passion and expertise brought to this work every day. I’m honored to work alongside such a talented and dedicated team.

Thank you again for your interest in our company’s progress and performance. We’re excited for our future — and the unique opportunity we have to make a difference through our research, our medicines and vaccines, and our enduring commitment to sustainable innovation and value creation.

Very best regards,

Rob Davis

Chairman & Chief Executive Officer

1 Countries receiving donated Mectizan are located in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, South America, and the Western Pacific


Our Q2 2023 earnings report

August 1, 2023

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MSD’s Q2 2023 results reflect sustained underlying growth. Our company announced Q2 worldwide sales of $15.0 billion, an increase of 3% from Q2 2022.

“We continue to make great progress as we advance our broad and deep pipeline, raise the bar of innovation, and bring forward leading-edge science to save and improve lives around the world,” said Rob Davis, chairman and chief executive officer, MSD. “We delivered robust underlying growth during the second quarter and are well positioned to achieve strong full-year results. I’m proud of our talented, diverse and dedicated global team that continues to focus on creating value for patients and all our stakeholders now and well into the future.”

MSD anticipates full-year 2023 worldwide sales to be between $58.6 billion and $59.6 billion.

Take a look at the infographic below for more details on Q2 2023 results.

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Our people

Meet two women at the forefront of our HIV research

Two esteemed scientists share their motivations and hopes for the future of HIV research

July 19, 2023

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The field of HIV research has changed drastically in the past 40 years. In that time, we’ve evolved from helping people with HIV struggle to survive to seeing them fully thrive. Now we’re chasing a cure for HIV.

On top of a shift in focus, we’ve also seen a transformation in those who occupy the research space: more and more women are joining the fight.

We spoke with two of our own researchers who are leading the charge, Bonnie Howell, Ph.D., and Rebeca Plank, M.D., about what drives them, what’s changed, and what’s next in the HIV research landscape.

What drew you to HIV research?

Rebeca Plank: I think my interest was first sparked at home by my parents, who actually met doing public health work in Chile. But it’s funny, despite that background, I wasn’t pre-med in college. I was an anthropology major. But during my senior thesis, I worked on a project around HIV prevention messaging. That stuck with me.

audio file from Rebeca Plank

This includes making interventions relevant and accessible.

Bonnie Howell: I can relate to that. I started working in HIV research after years of working in oncology and quickly recognized the unmet medical need. I realized that a lot of what I learned about cancer research could be applied to HIV as well.

I became passionate about HIV research because I saw it as an opportunity to change the storyline and apply my oncology experience to this different field.

In your mind, what’s been the biggest shift in HIV care?

RP: I think the vast shift can be summed up by what I saw in med school. I was studying in San Francisco between 1996–2001, and I watched an inpatient hospital ward go from a place that housed critically ill people to a general medicine ward full of people rightfully expecting to feel better and go back home.

And that’s all due to the fast and impactful medical innovations — such as antiretrovirals to treat HIV — that helped save so many lives.

In a field that’s been historically male dominated, how does it feel to be a female in science and HIV research?

BH: My experience is definitely unique because I’ve been at MSD for my entire career — and I’ve been constantly surrounded by powerful and brilliant women. It’s been a privilege to be a part of a company that champions diversity and inclusion and has empowered me to roll up my sleeves and contribute day in and day out to this important mission.

And I’m grateful for the chance to continue to add to the legacy MSD has established for itself in HIV — helping to change the way HIV has been treated since the start of the epidemic.

RP: That said, there are still challenges facing women in HIV research. As a med student and also as a resident, it struck me that, looking around the hospital, there were relatively few women who were further along in their careers. It can be so important to see people succeeding who look like you, as role models and mentors — they show you what’s possible.

BH: I completely agree. I also count myself lucky that I was mentored by female leaders who charted the course and were instrumental in increasing the number of women in research. Now I pay that forward and mentor the next generation of female researchers — especially those pursuing HIV.

Why do you think gender diversity is critical in HIV research?

BH: Globally, women bear a huge brunt of this epidemic. A study in 2021 showed that 54% of all people with HIV are women and girls. Yet women are significantly under-represented in HIV clinical trials. We need to change that.

Equally important is making sure that the female perspective is represented within the HIV research community, so women with HIV can have advocates who share and understand their unique female experiences.

RP: Prior to joining MSD, during my time doing field work in Kenya and Botswana, I learned a lot about the nuances and unique hardships of the female HIV experience. Globally, advocating for herself may not always be a woman’s first priority. Not to mention that the stigma of HIV is still too prevalent around the world, which may make it harder to seek care.

audio file from BonnieHowell

What advancement in HIV research do you hope to see during your lifetimes?

BH: A cure. Whether that’s eradicating HIV from patients’ bodies or remission, where the virus still exists in the body but is controlled without lifelong treatment.

RP: And then getting this cure — as well as other treatments and better methods for HIV prevention — to people in need, in the manner they need it. Access remains a huge issue, and part of that is the mode of treatment such as frequency of pills or injections. We hear consistently that having discreet treatment and prevention options would be critical.

What gives you the most hope?

RP: So much can evolve in a single generation. These young women we’re working to help, someday they’ll be grandmothers. By empowering them with knowledge and by continuing our work in HIV, we hope to protect future generations.

BH: The HIV community is so passionate and engaged, and we’re designing studies and treatments with those affected in mind. I’m excited to see what the future brings.


Researching new uses for a therapy that targets cancer cells

MSD scientists are evaluating potential antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) targets across both blood cancers and solid tumors

July 17, 2023

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More than two decades since the first approval of an antibody-drug conjugate (ADC), a therapy with the ability to target specific cancer cells, scientists continue to explore new opportunities for helping patients.

What are antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs)?

ADCs are a targeted means to deliver chemotherapy. Unlike conventional chemotherapy treatments, ADCs are designed to deliver chemotherapy to a specific target expressed on the surface of cancer cells. After binding to the target, the ADC is designed to release an agent that is toxic to cancer cells.

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“With ADCs, the antibody provides the targeting mechanism, like a zip code directing the delivery of the chemotherapy agent to the cancer cells."

Dr. David Weinstock

Vice president of discovery oncology at MSD Research Laboratories

Scientists, including our own, are researching new opportunities with ADCs. “The learnings we’ve seen in ADCs over the last few years are very encouraging. And certainly, we should expect to see more of that research in the coming years,” said Weinstock.

MSD scientists are evaluating a number of potential ADC targets across both blood cancers and solid tumors, including ROR1, TROP-2 and others in the preclinical space.

  • ROR1 is a protein expressed mainly on blood and solid tumor cells, but not in normal adult cells. It’s associated with more aggressive disease that does not respond to current therapies. We’re evaluating a ROR1 targeting ADC in patients with mantle cell lymphoma or diffuse large B-cell lymphoma along with solid tumors.
  • TROP-2 is overexpressed in many cancers including triple-negative breast cancer and lung cancer. High levels of TROP-2 expression are associated with cancer cell growth, correlating with more aggressive forms of disease.

By evaluating a number of ADC targets, we hope to contribute important new research exploring the potential of ADCs and advance our purpose to use the power of leading-edge science to save and improve lives around the world.